The observation of the metallographic structure of the cracks and analysis of the corrosion product determines that culprit of the cracking is polythionic acid stress corrosion. 通过对隔板的检查和分析,判断隔板断裂属于连多硫酸引起的应力腐蚀开裂。
Stress Corrosion Cracking Mechanism of stainless steel Equipments in Polythionic Acid Environment and Preventive Methods 不锈钢设备的连多硫酸应力腐蚀开裂机理与防护
The stress corrosion cracking ( SCC) mechanism of sensitized austenitic stainless steels in polythionic acid solutions was studied by means of electrochemical technique, using the sensitized steels to simulate the chromium depleted region. 通过电化学技术,采用模拟贫铬区的钢种研究了敏化奥氏体不锈钢在H2S2O6介质中的应力腐蚀破裂机理。
Effect of chloride ion on stress corrosion cracking of type 316 austenitic stainless steel in polythionic acid solution 氯离子对316L不锈钢在连多硫酸中应力腐蚀的影响
It was pointed out that the main cause is stress corrosion cracking, including transcrystalline stress corrosion cracking by chloride iron and sulfide as well as intergranular stress corrosion cracking by polythionic acid. 有氯离子和硫化物引起的穿晶型应力腐蚀开裂,也有连多硫酸引起的沿晶型应力腐蚀开裂。
The article introduces the corrosion caused by high temperature sulfur, wet hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, polythionic acid, ammonium chloride and ammonium thiochloride and corrosion prevention. 介绍高温硫、湿硫化氢、氢、连多硫酸、氯化氨及硫氢化铵引起的腐蚀和防护措施。
The Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenic Stainless Steel in Polythionic Acid 奥氏体不锈钢在连多硫酸中的应力腐蚀破裂
Analysis of stress corrosion cracking of the austenitic stainless steel in polythionic acid 连多硫酸溶液中奥氏体不锈钢应力腐蚀断裂的研究
The analysis concludes that the leak is caused by the electro-chemical corrosion by H2S-HCl-H2O environment, erosion and the stress corrosion cracking by polythionic acid during the turnaround. 分析认为,管束泄漏是由于H2S&HCl-H2O腐蚀环境引起的电化学腐蚀、冲蚀和停工时连多硫酸引起的应力腐蚀开裂。